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Resources for Learning About & Dealing With ADHD Endorsed by an ADHD Psychiatrist

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition affecting many aspects of a person's life. For those with ADHD, it's important to have access to the right resources to help manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. An ADHD psychiatrist can provide valuable guidance and support to individuals with ADHD and their families. In this blog, we will explore some resources endorsed by ADHD psychiatrists, including parenting strategies, support groups, and other helpful tools.

Resources for Learning About & Dealing With ADHD Endorsed by an ADHD Psychiatrist
Resources for Learning About & Dealing With ADHD Endorsed by an ADHD Psychiatrist

Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

Mindfulness and meditation techniques can be effective in managing symptoms of ADHD. These practices involve being present at the moment and focusing on one's breath, body sensations, or thoughts without judgment. By practicing mindfulness and meditation regularly, individuals with ADHD can improve their ability to focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and regulate their emotions.

Some techniques that can be helpful for individuals with ADHD include:

Body Scan: This involves focusing on different parts of the body and noticing any sensations without judgment.

Mindful Breathing: This involves focusing on the breath and noticing any thoughts or distractions that arise without getting caught up in them.

Guided Meditation: This involves listening to a guided meditation recording that can help individuals with ADHD focus their attention and stay present at the moment.

Exercise and Physical Activity

In addition to medication and therapy, incorporating regular exercise and physical activity into one's routine can also have a positive impact on the management of ADHD symptoms and their impact on relationships. Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. It also improves brain function, including attention, memory, and executive functioning. Additionally, physical activity can be a fun and engaging way for individuals with ADHD to channel their energy in a positive way.

Some types of physical activity that can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD include:

Aerobic Exercise: This involves activities such as running, biking, or swimming that get the heart rate up and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Strength Training: This involves activities such as weight lifting or resistance band exercises that improve muscle strength and endurance.

Mind-Body Exercises: This includes activities such as yoga, Pilates, or tai chi, which combine physical movement.

Parenting Strategies for Managing ADHD

Parenting a child with ADHD can be challenging, but some strategies can help you support your child and manage symptoms effectively. Some of these strategies include:


Establishing a consistent routine can help children with ADHD feel more secure and improve their ability to focus and manage their behavior.

Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding positive behavior can help reinforce good habits and encourage your child to continue making progress.

Clear Communication

Communicating clearly and directly with your child can help avoid misunderstandings and improve their ability to follow instructions.

Support Groups for Individuals with ADHD

Support groups can provide a sense of community and belong to individuals with ADHD. These groups can offer valuable information and resources, as well as emotional support and encouragement. Some support groups for individuals with ADHD include:

CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): A national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with ADHD through education, advocacy, and support.

ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association): A nonprofit organization that provides information, resources, and support to individuals with ADHD and their families.

ADHD Coaches Organization: A professional organization that provides coaching and support to individuals with ADHD and their families.


Managing ADHD can be challenging, but resources are available to help individuals with ADHD and their families. By working with an ADHD psychiatrist and utilizing resources such as parenting strategies and support groups, individuals with ADHD can improve their ability to manage symptoms and live fulfilling lives. Contacting Faith Behavioral Health can be a good option for those looking for effective solutions and support for ADHD. With a team of experienced ADHD psychiatrists, they offer specialized services to help individuals cope with the disorder.


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