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ADHD and Sleep Problems & Solutions - Insights from an ADHD Psychiatrist

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can cause a variety of sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and restless sleep. For those who suffer from ADHD-related sleep issues, it can be difficult to determine the best course of action. Fortunately, an ADHD psychiatrist can provide insight into why these problems may occur and what treatments might help improve your quality of sleep. In this blog post, we discuss some of the common causes of ADHD-related sleeping difficulties and explore potential solutions that are effective in managing them.

ADHD and Sleep Problem & Solutions - Insights from an ADHD Psychiatrist
ADHD and Sleep Problem & Solutions - Insights from an ADHD Psychiatrist

Overview of ADHD & its effects on sleep

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects around 5% of children and 2.5% of adults in the United States. It is characterized by difficulty focusing, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD may also experience sleep problems, such as difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently, or feeling tired even after sleeping for a full night.

When it comes to treating ADHD-related sleep disturbances, the goal is not only to improve sleep quantity but also quality. Individuals should be able to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep for the night without interruption.

Common causes of ADHD-related sleeping difficulties

A variety of factors can cause ADHD-related sleeping difficulties. These could include lifestyle habits, such as irregular sleep schedules or caffeine consumption; physiological issues, like restless leg syndrome; environmental issues, such as loud noise in the home; and psychological issues, including anxiety or depression. A psychiatrist can help determine which factors are causing your particular sleeping difficulties.

Once the cause of the sleep disturbances has been identified, an ADHD psychiatrist can help develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. This may include lifestyle changes like avoiding caffeine and large meals late in the day or trying relaxation techniques before bed.

It could also involve joining a support group or talking to a therapist about any psychological issues that may be contributing to sleep disturbances.

Solutions to help improve sleep quality for those with ADHD

It is a common misconception about ADHD that medication are only used to treat symptoms related to attention and hyperactivity. However, an ADHD psychiatrist may also prescribe therapies to address other challenges that can accompany ADHD, such as sleep disturbances. In fact, improving sleep quality can have a positive impact on many aspects of an individual's life, including their ability to focus and regulate their emotions.

There are also several medications and therapies that an ADHD psychiatrist may prescribe to help improve sleep quality. Stimulant medications, such as Adderall or Vyvanse, are effective in treating ADHD-related sleeping difficulties in some cases. Non-stimulant medications, including Wellbutrin and Remeron, can also be prescribed to help reduce restlessness and improve sleep quality.

Finally, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for addressing insomnia in those with ADHD. CBT helps individuals identify and change any negative thought patterns that contribute to sleeping difficulties. It also teaches individuals to develop healthy sleep habits and establish a consistent sleep schedule.


Stimulants and non-stimulants may be prescribed to help reduce restlessness and improve sleep quality.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns that contribute to sleeping difficulties and teaches how to develop healthy sleep habits.

Sleep Hygiene Strategies

Developing healthy sleep habits, such as avoiding caffeine and large meals late in the day, trying relaxation techniques before bed, or establishing a consistent sleep schedule, can help improve sleep quality.

Insights from an ADHD Psychiatrist about managing symptoms and improving overall well-being

It is important to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for those with ADHD-related sleep disturbances. An ADHD psychiatrist can provide valuable insight into the causes of your sleeping difficulties and implement strategies to help manage them. They can also offer guidance on how to address lifestyle factors that may be contributing to the problem and provide advice on how to improve overall well-being.

By working with an ADHD psychiatrist, those with ADHD can gain a better understanding of their sleep disturbances and take steps to improve their quality of life. Through a combination of lifestyle changes, medication, therapy, and other treatments, individuals can learn how to manage their symptoms and get the rest they need for optimal health.

Closing Thoughts

Addressing sleep disturbances caused by ADHD is essential for overall well-being. By working with an ADHD psychiatrist, individuals can develop a comprehensive treatment plan and learn strategies to help improve their sleep quality. With the right tools and support of Faith Behavioral Health, those with ADHD can better understand their symptoms and take steps to improve their quality of life.

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